Our Record Speaks for Itself

Since our inception in 1971, we have recruited outstanding residents. 100% of our graduating residents have been board certified. Our graduates are now practicing in the majority of the 50 states. We also have a 100% fellowship match rate. Prior alumni have matched into Obstetrics, Sports Medicine, Geriatrics, Adolescent Medicine, and Hospice and Palliative Medicine fellowships.

With all that you have been through, you want to complete your training in the best possible environment. At Washington Health System, you can rest assured that the high caliber of your fellow residents will enhance your education. This, combined with our curriculum and top-notch faculty, can help ensure your future as an excellent family physician.

Our strong history helps guide you to a bright future

Residency Alumni Placeholder
Residency Alumni

Additional graduates not represented in the map: Canada, Honduras, and Sweden